JetBeam PA40 for $39.99

Hi There,

Just ordered one,although my first order from this seller placed 3 weeks ago got mixed up.
Anyway, this price is too good to pass and the seller has good ratings.
link:JetBeam PA40

$11.60 shipping to AU

Still a good deal at that price but even better in the US if shipping is free.

It's a pleasure to know you, lopedevega!

Wow, nice deal!

Tho I wish it was 39.99 WITH world wide shipping :D!

Hmm… But given the price and that its JetBeam, it looks like its much better deal than Cyclone, no?
Ok, Cyclone 88 will out throw this, right? But modes ar better in PA40.

Yeah, the cyclone will probably out throw it, and be brighter, and it gives you the option of using lions.

I already had one, but at this price I couldn’t resist another.

Why do you do this to me? Now I must buy this to :wink:

Ok, on a more serious note, is there better AA powered light out there that can compete with PA40 price-performance wise?
I just re-checked its specs on JetBeams web page and it seems like its worth to live one week on a low calory diet just to be able to buy this light… :D!

I have BA20, and while it havent seen much of use, its still very good light for the money paid and half as bright with half as short run time on high.

@veer some would say the cyclone88 but AA performance is rather poor on them from what I have read here.

Yeah, Cyclone C88 seems to be good light for the money+you can have neutral tint in it for couple of bucks, BUT it has less modes, shorter runtime(dont remember, should re-check reviews on it???), people have reported problems with bad drivers, its from noname company which means no way to get warranty despite supposedly good service from seller, it costs 45$, which, to be honest, doesnt seem competitive at the moment, when PA40 goes for 40$+shipping.

Why I like PA40 - lots of modes, looong runtimes, BATTERY INDICATOR - this gets me sold over C88 for price that is almost the same.

If C88 was 30-35$, then I would consider it, but now, when PA40=40+11$, its a no brainer whos the winner here between these two.

Just do it, the C88 is kinda a different light anyway. Looks like you need to use 26650 to achieve max brightness. Lots of better choices if you are going that route. I just put an order in for the PA40, even after I just picked up an E40 for under $30. I really like the Fenix, but it is more of a thrower than this. The PA40 looks it will be more useful for me. Cant wait.

Heh, thaks for pointing out E40, somehow I either didnt know it was there or have forgotten about it, looks like budget version of LD40/LD41.
But, just because E40 has XP-E which is smaller than XM-L, does it mean that even at half the brightness E40 will out throw PA40?

PA40 has better modes+battery indicator, that makes it superior to E40 for me. But the throw difference is interesting, tho not a deal breaker.

I will see what seller replies regarding shipping declaration and customs hassle before I decide whether to buy PA40 or not.

Yeah I think it is only rated at 220 lumen. It has a really tight beam, and throws far. I think the PA40 will be more useful because of the XML. Good luck!

Ok, one “last” question - anyone tried BA20 and PA40, can you compare the throw distance between these two :D?

The BA20 is 4.4kcd and the PA40 is 7.3 kcd.

I also have the BA20, I think it is similar to the E21. Not sure if that helps at all. The E40 that I referred to early is listed at 17500 in the owners manual. Wow. Now that is some throw.

Looks like the PA40 would double the BA20 across the board. For the extra couple bucks I would get it.

LOL, now it all seems to become too complicated, at first it seemed so simple :smiley:
Its heck of a deal tho.

I wrote our fellow member here to see what he replies, hes got PA40 and Klarus P2A, whic is the same BA20.

I don't have the PA40 but I do have the P2A, if you have any questions I can answer just tell me. :D

veer just buy the PA40 :stuck_out_tongue:

you wont regret it

I would agree, for the price this is a good deal. I would think that from specs the PA40 would be more of a useful light.