Hi All

Hello Everyone
Just wanted to say “Hello”, from Canada.
Thinking of getting a decent flashlight, and this seems like a good starting place to find some valuable information.

Welcome Flask.
Do you have any preferences?
Do you prefer any battery type? Do you want just raw output? Do you care about beam pattern? Do you value throw over flood? Do you prefer a neutral tint or a whiter tint (white creates more glare and doesn’t render colours as well, but some prefer it)?

BTW, when you go on eBay, and you see the cheap lights advertising from 3800 lumens, to 8000 lumens or whatever they are NOT legit 8000 lumens.

Yes, yes, you must answer our questions! Welcome to BLF, Flask. Seriously though, Slewflash is right, we need to know a bit more before we bombard you with our own person biases. Especially important, imho, is the “battery type” question. I think that is the best first step.

@ Slewflash- How can your signature know so much about me?

Cone, it redirects you to a website which looks at your IP and uses that to identify your general location and service provider. The browser is fairly easy for it to tell as your comp automatically shares that information. As for the Male thing that is just something he added because the majority of people on BLF are male. ;)

Welcome to the forum. Having arrived you may find the need for more lights than you ever dreamed possible.

Dude! That’s freaking me out!

Well, “freaking out” may be a little too strong, but still… :nerd_face:

Thankfully, it doesn’t know how much I weigh… or does it?

edit- and thanks for the quick reply, Scaru.

Haha I added in the gender part myself, scaru is correct :slight_smile:
Only you can see your information, and the information it shows is unique to everyone.

Yeah, that's why you should use Tor, here is what it displays when I use Tor. :D

This is in Frankfurt, Germany.

Keep in mind the rest of us can't see your info, however if say I owned a website and got you to visit then I could, in fact BLF does register your IP whenever you post. Tin foil hat time. :D

Oh crap, now my web cam is on!


But seriously that's why I put a piece of tape over my webcam. :D

Welcome to BLF, Flask!

I’m doing that now! Hopefully, that will be the last time anybody gets a picture of me and the cat!

Welcome Flask!

Welcome to the monkey house, Flask!

Welcome to BLF! You'll love being here! :)

Hi,new to this forum!Welcome you and me! :bigsmile:

I think you will love this forum lately…