that kind...Beamshot, the Company

Thought this might come in handy for those (like me) that have older guns that have no rails/mounts.

Beamshot makes some interesting items, including a rail/mount (P mount) that attaches to the front of the trigger. I have an older Ruger 9mm that I love, and might want to mount a light to it. This P mount would accomplish that.

I thought they might be to wobbly, but then I saw the machining of the clamp…it looks like it follows the exact curve of the trigger. Not a one-size-fits-all, but made for specific pistol manufacturers/models.

Anyone know or have experience with this Beamshot company?

Here’s what it it looks like on a 1911:

This is interesting…light/laser combo:

From this pic…it looks as though the laser is mounted behind the reflector, or perhaps right beside the LED/emitter?

Never got a response on this…and I know there are fellow gun-light enthusiasts out there. Bumped for ya.