Message to Thrunite

I would have loved to have a TN30. BUT after reading about problem after problem and crappy QC….I think NOT. Pay that much for a light and get crappy QC? The Ti & T10 I have are great! Too bad about the Big Boys. Shame on Thrunite… :frowning:

Only way I’d buy one is to have it in hand for review. Ain’t gonna happen in this one horse town.

maybe you want to get it from Kumabear( that’s where i got mine from)
he’ll make sure the light passed the QC inspection before he ship it to you… no surprise nor drama
bonus,since he’s a US seller… you can get the light in few days :smiley:


Price is right too! Kumabear has been outstanding to deal with.

If I had known KumaBear was going to carry them I would have waited and ordered from him, so don’t miss out and get some! :bigsmile:

thing is, kuma bear shouldnt have to do that with a top brand name like that
its nice that he is… but shoulnd need to be done like that

The Ti’s are great… if you are lucky enough to get one that works properly. Out of my Buddle, only one worked as it should out of the box. I got three others to work after major futzing with them. One only works on low (and it isn’t the spring thing). Sorry Thunite, your coefficient of crapitude exceeds my threshold of ever doing business again…

Wow, I’m glad he’s doing it And right, it shoudn’t have to be done.

*Quote Kuma : (Unlike most, this manufacturer actually has a highly qualified engineering staff.)

See, that’s what gets me. Highly qualified for what? Sales?

At least when I get ready to pull the trigger… there’s the KUMA !

you can have nasa engineer the best torch ever, but if you have people only qualified to flip burgers assembling… your going to end up with problems S)
ps: i hate how the 1 min limit resets each time you try to save… need a stopwatch while editing

Engineering is different from production. The designs are good and can be very well engineered, but that doesn’t mean the people on the assembly line know what they are doing, care about what they are doing or are paying attention to what they are doing. I would definitely say the problems with these lights has been in the production, not the engineering.

Kuma is obviouslly getting them from Thrunite…So when did the assembly line get bumped up? If not at Thrunite assembly… Who at BLF is capable of troubleshooting and repairs before they ship to us through forum?

Kumabear, or IlluminationSupply may be able to troubleshoot before sending. For the money, you could get a BTU shocker or a few more dollars a Fenix TK75 :wink:

I have had zero issues with mine. Very nice light. That would suck to get a lemon!

I think the culprit is in production.
Sales who reduce the price to current level and promote these flashlights well.
R&D who produce these wonderful TN30 and TN31.
Production who cause all these dirty lens, dirty reflector, mal-functioned switch, etc.
My TN31 and TN30 are perfect right now. Just need some cleaning. But definitely I don’t like to do cleaning on new lights.

QC isn’t crap. Thrunite will take care of you regardless.

It obviously is if turds are showing up in the mail box. I wipe mine before I leave the can.

Taking care of after the fact is one step beyond Crap….It’s BS.

The point is that the assembly line apparently needs a good flushin’.

When 4 out of 5 are DOA, their QC isn’t crap… it’s totally non-existent. I don’t want to have to be taken care of… I want properly manufactured items the first time.

Odd. I ordered mine straight from China. It arrived perfect. I also enjoyed shooting the breeze with thrunite via skype.

I have a Supbeam K40. The bigger irony here is that I have no complaint whatsoever with it, neither from other and also from L3 owners.

You’re crazy to expect such service at this price point. I think you’d be better served looking at those 600+ dollar custom lights available on CPF.

The same rule applies to not just production flashlights, but anything production.

I think it's reasonable to expect a functional light, especially when paying over 100 dollars!