Finger prints mark on Thrunite TN30.. anyone else having this issues?

I just received this light after Christmas, it’s an awesome light :slight_smile:
but upon closer inspections i noticed there’s few tiny finger prints mark on the inside reflector.
i tried to open the lens cover but unable to open it.
does anybody who own this light know if the lens cover is removable?

it’s a pity the QC missed these marks on otherwise a great light :frowning:

Mine had the exactly same finger print on that area. And luckily mine can be opened quite easily, so I just clean it with cloth.
Come on Thrunite, you can’t afford to buy proper gloves for your assembly line. And no QC after assembly?

hmm weird… i can’t open it… how did you open the lens cover?

Hold on it, just twist the bezel. No tools needed. I remember just one twist then it loosened.
I was happy it can be opened so easily that I can clean the finger print, and was unhappy it is not tight enough to prevent dust or water.

you can get a good grip on it with a rubber or dishwashing glove.
Silicone mat works good also

I can’t believe all the problems coming from such a quality company. What happen to the days of the Catapult being one of the best, it seems their quality control switched owners…. It’s very sad!!

“i noticed there’s few tiny finger prints mark on the inside reflector.”

Quanto orribile… your eyes are a hella’ lot better than mine!!!

This is Budget Light Forum and, since I’ve been here over these last several months, I think too many are expecting Elite Light Forum… if you’re spending $$$ then just send it back

As you wrote:

“it’s an awesome light :slight_smile:

Just wipe ’em away a give us some beamshots of the throw before and after so we can see the devolution of the throw from those fingerprints… jeesh!

“it’s a pity the QC missed these marks on otherwise a great light” ?

He’s mainly asking other members who have this light how to get the bezel off, otherwise I’m sure he would have wiped the finger prints off without raising a post. Seems reasonable, I had to get advice to remove the bezel from my A8, can be quite tricky sometimes.

Daylighter, if the Bezel by any chance is glued I’ve managed to remove bezels from other flashlights by carefully applying anti adhesive gunk. Freezing it might also work. Try the other posters advice first as I don’t have the thrunite.

I don't have TN30, but TN31 bezel was very tight (but not glued). I used rubber shoe sole to open mine :D

thanks for the advise guys… i managed to open it using one of those rubber palm gloves.
and was able to wipe it clean and then i also notice some part of the reflector edges are no as mooth as the others.
no big deal… i doubt it will affect the light performance.

to answer flash.light: my eyes are normal, don’t need to have special power to see these finger prints mark on the reflector :stuck_out_tongue:
and yes i do have high expectation for something that i paid a lot of money for, wouldn’t you?

i’ll be honest here… i usually never inspected those lights that i bought costing $10-$20 over the year.
even if it dead… i just chuck it to the trash and never bother to ask for refund or replacement… as most light i bought are from ebay HK or China… it’s just not worth to pay the shipping return as it cost almost the same as the light itself.
fortunately for me, those are more rarer cases for me… now on the other hand if it keychains lights… :wink:

Glad you got it clean Daylighter. Myself, after all the negatives I’ve read on Thrunite QC have had a look at the L3 K40…man it looks good! And introduced by SB Flashlights and apparently assembled in same factory without the monkeys in the assembly line. LOL

If I were to choose Thrunite…I’d recommend getting it from KumaBear. The idea of a complete QC check before shipping them out to us is a great idea for sure.

Half the fun of gettin a new torch is reviewing em right here on BLF. H)
The other half is receiving it in 100% condition. :crown:

Hand assembled, most folks are happy to pay more for hand assembly versus machine made.


lol… i actually got it from KumaBear… it just somehow it missed his QC probably due to his root canal emergency hehe :smiley:
an awesome experience buying from that guy though :D, infact… i also getting a TN31 from him too, as he was about to ship the light then when he saw my PM and decided to hold on to it first and going to double check it again… how awesome is that?

I can’t help but LOL at such a nasty response posted here in regards to a fingerprint/smudge on the interior lens of a high end torch :money_mouth_face: …I’m still laughing… I mean, is such a nasty post indicative of someone that doesn’t wash their face in the morning and walks around all day long with crusted sleep in their eyes ?? …. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Wash your windows please…so that others may see the smile in your eyes… :wink:

Wow ! A tn30 and a tn31. What a pair. I’m hung on the tn30. Love it for the more flood is puts out compared to the 31. The L3 K40 looks good on youtube as shown by Jason at SBF. Would lilke to see it compared to the tn 30 to make up my mind.

KUMA are ya listening?

I was doubting buying from KumaBear will do any better, now it is proven.
If Thrunite sent him a dirty TN30 or intermittently mal-functioned switch, who will pay the bill to send the TN30 back? Since KumaBear is selling as such low price, it is not possible to have good return policy.
I was actually find it hard to believe “cheaper and better”. But many seems to buy it.

Those finger prints on my TN30 were very obvious. I can still see them maybe 10 meters away. Maybe Thrunite operator was eating burgers while assembling the head.

actually he was willing to take it back and send me replacement prepaid… but thank GOD that’s not necessary at all… thanks to the advises around here, i’m able to open it with little force :slight_smile:
i wouldn’t doubt buying from him again… such as good experience, now i wish he carry as much selection as DX or wallbuys… that would be awesome hehe :smiley:


You mean he will refund you your return shipping fee if you return the flashlight and send you a new one? If true, then that is very good service.
Good thing about buying from KumaBear is that he is in USA so it will be cheaper to ship it back to him. Lucky for us this TN30 bezel is not glued, else it will not be a easy job for ordinary user and might end up scratching the light every where. So annoying to see those obvious fingerprints.