Help confused newb pick a shotgun flashlight?

Hi all,

I’m going to show my age, but the last time I looked seriously at flashlights, there were pretty much only Maglights, and LED flashlights were those things they give you free at Harbor Freight that are darn handy to leave strewn about the house.

Well now I’m starting to get into them and learn, but I’ve completely confused myself with information overload, and I think it’s time to ask for help.

I got a Nebo flashlight/laser combo because I thought it would be good for a shotgun.

At the same time, I got a Ultrafire Wf 502b Cree Xml T6 3 Mode Cree Led for a general purpose flashlight because “Wow - that sounds like a lot of lumens for $10, and it’s on Prime”.

I got them, and I’m so over the Nebo. The Cree spoiled me to it. When you shine them both at the same time, you can’t even see the light from the Nebo. So - pfft - you don’t need a laser on a shotgun, anyway. I don’t know if it’s really 900 lumens (I’ve read that it’s both really 500, and really 700), but it sure is bright to me.

It’s such a great light - the most light I’ve ever seen from a flashlight, but I want something a little different for the shotgun. First and foremost, can “modes” be avoided or bypassed? I’m finding the “memory” feature to be anywhere from flaky to unusable, so there’s no telling what will happen when I hit the switch - that’s bad. I’ve seen a couple that have the modes elsewhere than the switch - that would be great. High and high strobe would be great, but if I can’t get both of those to switch on and off consistently, then just on/off in high.

Secondly is the format. Is there a “small-headed” flashlight in a 2x18650 type length format? I’m actually considering putting on two mounts and using a longer flashlight if it buys me either brightness or run time or both, but I’m going to be limited on the size of the head. I don’t know the exact diameter yet - I just ordered the mount today, but I’m assuming over 2” is going to be out.

Lastly is a battery question - is 18650 pretty much the way to go or can old school formats compete? The only reason I ask is if I ever wound up far from fancy batteries, there would be some charm to using readily available batteries.

I appreciate any input. Like I said, by the time I got well into part numbers of everything and putting stuff together and which parts go where, I thoroughly confused myself. I’m pretty much hooked now, and I’m sure I’ll catch on more eventually, but I’d like to get this project going with an awesome light.


As is my way, I look and look for something, give up, ask, then find it instantly.

Here’s an example of the “small headed 2x18650”

But it still leaves me with the mode issue. Is the 5 mode thing just a function of the XM-L T6?

The Olighti6 has a simple on/off button with a head twist for high or low, so it would be adequate as far as on and off goes.

I think it has two springs, but I wonder if the guys here would see it as acceptable for a shotgun light, if you removed it for target shooting?

The light is on sale for $19.00 at wallbuys, and it uses 1 18650, but it is 400 lumens.

Forget the Z5 it is a very weak light. It doesn't really do anything well.

I am a hunter myself so if you could give more details about what you are planning to hunt that would be great.

First of all, stay away from zoomies. Most have poor heatsinking, and in my experience they dont take shock too well. That pretty much goes for almost any china flashlight though.

The 502B may be a good choice on your part though, the design pulls the battery away from a solid board because of the spring in place. I have dropped my 501(similar) many times and it lives every time. It is a cheap piece of junk though and is quite unreliable, I lost my modes so it is only high now haha luck of the draw!

Look at brands like nitecore, fenix, balder or surefire. While much pricier, the build quality is much better and stands a better chance of survival not to mention the fact that they generally use more efficient drivers. Weapon lights take a LOT of abuse though, just remember that. They wont last very long.

This is a primarily a home defense shotgun and tactical (but not overdone) fun shooter. It’s got an extended tube, so I have 8” or more to work with on a side mount. That’s where the idea of a 2x18650 form factor comes in.

Long throw wouldn’t be a real priority - more just overall amount of light - the more the better. The way I’m thinking, if an intruder has to instinctively/involuntarily shield his eyes, it will render his hands pretty much ineffective and highly visible.

As far as being weak, is it pretty much just a case of numbers don’t really mean that much? That’s one of the most confusing aspects to me. Is it just that the offshore makers call it whatever number they want?

Do you mean more from the firing/recoil/shock or from the treatment of the weapon in general?

I’d be happy with the 502B, or even a dozen of them in sequence, if it weren’t for the modes thing and honestly… because no one’s done the longer form factor that I’ve seen, so it would be kind of cool to have something different, and surely it should buy me something practical. I’m not going to go downhill in light output, though, just to have something cool.

Yep, pretty much! They have a heyday with inflated numbers. If reliability is your biggest concern and $$ is no object, I’d suggest looking at Malkoff lights or their P60 (“M60”) dropins. They’re U.S.-made and have the simplest UI possible—click for high, with low being accessed by loosening the head.

There are people here who will build you a nice dropin, too—or if you’re OK with a little soldering, you can build one!

This is the mount I’m getting, incidentally, it’s the Elzetta ZSM

It secures to both the barrel and magazine. As secure as that it, I still wouldn’t want 8”-ish hanging off it, that’s where I came up with the idea of using two. My barrel attaches differently from that one, so I have a lot more room for two mounts.

I personally would get a SolarForce L2N and 1-Mode drop-in. Maybe E1320 can get you a 1-Mode 3.5amp XM-L2 drop-in.

On paper it’s the perfect light, but I can’t find any reviews on it.

UniqueFire UF-F4 Cree XML-T6 High Bright 1-Mode LED Flashlight(2x18650)

It’s got the small head, the 2x18650, the XML-T6, and only one mode.

If there are no reviews, maybe I should be the guinea pig.


I’d stick to single cell only. Two batteriers under recoil have a better chance of smashing into the electronics of the light and into each other possible killing the PCB’s. A single 18650 can give you over 800 lumens at 3 amps with more than an hour of runtime. At 2 or more amps the light will need good heat sinking if you go the P60/D26 route. SolarForce is my perferred light with a 2 amps single mode XM-L dropin. Most 1” rings/clamps fit perfect to the body, though I do like to smear a dab of silicon caulking on the inside of the clamp then let dry for a day before setting the light to the clamp. This give a better grab with the rings and stops them from walking up the light or barrel under recoil. It also keeps the clamp from scratching the barrel.

A really common newb thing to do is to think you automaticlly want something brighter .....So you start to want to believe some low life companies lies about output .. truth is a second battery won't make a light any brighter and there really isn't any difference between a 500 lumen and an 800 lumen light .A second battery just makes things way more dangerous ..Almost every noob buys junk batteries so putting two of those together is a recipe for real problems ..Start with a japanese battery like a sanyo 2600 and drop the 2 batteries must be better thinking ... it ain't so ,and certainly not in the way you want to use this light . Fasttech has some semi custom lights with drivers that let you chose to see flashing modes or have them hidden .. like this

or the convoy custom lights made buy fasttech with multiple modes and tint options too ..

it's basicly a custom light for 20$ at that point all you need to do is buythe light you like the looks of or the one with the best body ..... the first one I linked to is one I like

fasttech is a pretty good player and a lot better than the place you linked to ...or ebay

Why not buy 2 lights and mount them parallel?
This will give double brightness.
And I am no fan of the wf50x lights, a solarforce is 10000times better.
I also name the hd2011, which has a plain cylindrical format and is floods as hell.

Thanks all for all the input. I’ve learned a lot, but still have a long way to go. I actually ordered that light I linked last night, but from eBay - US seller with priority shipping, so I should have it Saturday or Monday. I’m by no means married to it, though - worst case I’ll have a new flashlight and be a little wiser. I hadn’t really thought about modern flashlights not holding up to shock. That will definitely be something to consider, and if I wind up with a three figure light on there, then that’s the way it is. I’m definitely checking out the lights y’all are linking and getting some ideas.

Coating the insides of the mount is something I’d already planned on even though it’s non-marring poly. I got a can of something called Rustoleum Leak Seal last night - a spray can rubberizing coating - a superior version of what they advertise on TV. I’m also considering doing my forend in it, too, after some experiments on household items.

Two lights would be great for non-lethally disabling someone from any sort of effective offensive assault, but how would you turn them on? Can they be tied together? Also could there be such a thing as “too much light”? ie if I light up a white wall from 8 feet away, could my own vision be affected?

I’m still a bit confused, but I think I’m making progress. That’s the great thing about the prices on these lights - you get a wrong one, you just say “oh well” and keep going. I think it’s time to turn my attention to learning about batteries for a while, though. Is there a good “Batteries for Dummies” resource?

If you are set on having a longer 2x 18650 light, there is the long version of your 502b, the 502d available here:

...but keep in mind: I purchased one and it had a couple of issues; the finish wasn't great, and the screws that hold the clip were stripped out. A bigger issue is that it is slightly too short to thread the tailcap in completely when using protected cells. Also, I don't know how it would stand up to recoil.

The main problem is going to be finding a good drop-in that can handle the higher voltage of a two cell light; most XM-L drop-ins only support a single cell configuration. You can get a very nice XP-G R5 based single-mode drop-in that can handle the higher voltage, but that would be significantly less light than an XM-L:

...or significantly cheaper here from FastTech:

I'm using a $16 XIAOZHI XM-L T6 I got from CN Quality Goods along with a home made wooden mount. The shotgun is for home protection only. Hopefully it will never see any use.

I am referring to the recoil. Another option to consider instead of DUAL flashlights, is a flahlight with two heads!
The two headed lights I have come across are a little pricey though, but are usually decent companies. Skilhunt and shadow make some, and this one here is a shadow:
Really dont know anything about it. Just that it has one of the most efficient leds around in it and is made by a decent company. A review if found would be good.

Oh trust me - I found the HECK out of that Shadow, which is actually a knockoff of another light - forget which one now, but I think it starts with a “K”. Another weird thing - it drops to half power after 3 minutes.

The measurements don’t work out, though - I was sitting here, gun in lap with a tape trying to make it work, but it just doesn’t. The part where they have to “Y” off the head adds length, making it too long, and the stacking of the heads is something like 2.75” tall where the end of the gun is only about 2”.

Whether I use it or not, I’m going to have to get that UF-F4 out of my system. Hopefully I’ll have both the light and the mount by Monday. I ran the measurements on that one and made a note of where the back of it would fall. Then I randomly grabbed and readied the gun about a dozen times, and every single time without paying attention, my thumb fell almost exactly 1/2” behind where the switch should fall. If I can heft it and turn on the light in one fluid motion, that’s a heck of an argument for the form factor.

Of course I’ll feel compelled to put a few hundred rounds through it to test the durability under recoil. Soda bottles for miles around are cringing at the thought.