Someting for Fishinfool (totaly flashlight unrelated)

This one is for you Fishin', learn the "art". XD

Wow! That's amazing! You don't even need a fishing pole--just go up and down the river and fill the boat up with fish. I'd be in fishing heaven if I lived down there. Unreal man.......

Pretty nice session, autopilot on boat, beer in hand and you and Norm checking the net for the next knife to order. That's modern fishing.

Wait.... that's completely wrong in the essence... :)

Absolutely hilarious! What kind of fish are they?

Man this is just amazing.

Here's another video with what I would call "alternative fishing." It's kinda slow, but I think it's hilarious.

Oh oh, bad weather tomorrow the fish are flying low. ;-)

Hohoho :O Amazing! :p I've never seen such a crazy fishy :bigsmile:

PULL....blam..blam.. blam..

Fish hunting with a 16 gauge

Now that sounds like fun to me.