Test/Review of Duracell Plus Power AAA

Duracell Plus Power AAA

Official specifications:

  • Battery Size Code: AAA
  • Battery Voltage: 1.5V
  • Battery Technology: Alkaline
  • Battery Terminals: Raised Positive and Flat Negative
  • External Diameter: 10.5mm
  • External Height: 44.5mm
  • Weight: 11g
  • Battery IEC Code: LR03
  • Battery NEDA Code: 24A
  • Operating Temperature Max: 54°C
  • Operating Temperature Min: -20°C

The AAA from the Duracell Plus power series, that is placed between the "Ultra" and the "Simply" series.

As usual alkaline looses capacity with load.


Being smaller than AA, the capacity is less than half of AA.
For AAA cells they are fairly good at 0.2A to 0.5A
For anytning that needs power lithium or NiMH is much better.

Notes and links

Thanks HKJ, for this review.
Question. Any thought about what happens to these cells in a hot car (55C-78C)? I keep a Costco Techlite in my car (3AAA batteries). I use Eneloops, but some may use alkalines.

Possible heat in a car:

Here are some Duracell musings:

Generally chemical processes happens faster when heated, with LiIon batteries you can even see it on the discharge curve when they heat them self.

But the faster chemical process also increases the leak current in the battery, i.e. reduces the lifetime (In the Duracell document check figure 11). Another problem can be that the high temperature increases the pressure inside the battery and makes it leak.