My AAA Mini C8 Nichia

I had bought a Mini AAA “C8” flashlight a while back for 3 or 4 dollars, and it’s just been sitting. Well I decided to make something of it, so I put a Nichia 219B on 16mm Noctigon inside.

It still has the plastic lens and reflector, but that’s because it does not have a removable bezel, or anything to hold the lens/reflector in place without press-fitting it in the way it was made.

Here is a set of pictures below, with a reference picture I found. I need to do this because I had to glue the pill inside to make sure the pressure of the body being screwed in did not push the pill and pop the reflector out.

In the reference picture for explanation:

Led is the Nichia on the star. Below the led, there is 2 pennies I grinded to size, thermal glued to each other, and the black plastic ring is actually an aluminum ring I had from something, that fits snug in it’s place. The boost driver gives decent current to the LED it seems, as it is quite bright, and draws 1.6a from an alkaline cell with 1.5v.

Now for a beamshot of course:

Great job!

Reminds me that I need to get off my butt and finish my mini’s!

Thanks :slight_smile: It’s a great feeling when you make something, and it comes out how you want in the end, and just works lol

Nice…I have several of these and really don’t know what to do with em

What boost driver did you use?

It was one from fasttech, one of the stated 5-600ma 17mm drivers with smd inductor. Can’t recall which one.

Hey Lotus :slight_smile:

Looks like you’ve found your way over to BLF :wink:

Nice mod! Quite innovative and resourceful using the pennies for heatsinking :beer:

Thanks! This is definitely an addicting hobby. The pennies were 1960some, so 95% copper. With the 2 pennies and copper mpcb, it’s at least 5mm of copper under that LED, with Arctic Alumina adhering the aluminum pill to the body. Won’t have to worry about heat for sure.

Also, the other day I modded my Garrity flashlight with an XML2 4C and TIR optic, and 8x7135 driver. Pictures below:

Nice mod, thanks for showing it!

I gave a mini-C8 to my young son, when he grows up I will do this mod to make it better :-)

Very nice. Gotta love these little lights.

Nice job. Those mini C8's are just too cute. Been wanting one ever since I saw MRsDNF's mod thread on something like that.