Driving LED Strips Without PWM

I had LED strips put in for under-cabinet lighting in the kitchen, but the driver they used makes very loud PWM noise.

What combos of LED strips and drivers do you recommend?

would potting the driver fix that?

I’d like to get some undercabinet led lights for my Mom, and I’d like to get something that’s plug and play but not annoying. I figure somebody here must have an opinion or three on the subject, what would you recommend?



It probably would. I think it’s caused by capacitor whine. We used to have that happen with nvidias cards and you could fix it by putting hot glue on the caps

Try Cyron Lighting. I used these for under the cabinet lighting and they work great, no noise and none have failed after 3 years of service.

12v dc or 120v ac?

I also guess that the 12V power plug makes this sound, just buy a new one.

You could also try potting the driver to reduce the noise

The Cyron are 12 Vdc.

Hm, any other undercounter kitchen suggestions?

Cyron no longer makes a daylight color temp, nothing but warm white. They seem to focus on “backlighting” media and gaming consoles now.