surprise cpf marketplace sent me birthday email.

CPFmarketplace (

We at CPFMarketPlace would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Its automated though, no one actually sends it. Well thats what I thought happened.

Many forums send automated birthday e-mails.

I remember my first birthday email from a forum. I felt special until I realized it was all automated lol.
Happy birthday from me though!(a real person!)

Happy Birthday! You have been banned until September 7th for the following reason:
Rule 563b subsection 2 Aging without prior approval of a moderator.

Happy Birthday !

Happy Birthday. Time to play with more flashlight. What new light did you get your family get for your birthday?

Happy Birthday, Bud! Hope you get some new lights as gifts!

happy birthday

I know what you want for your birthday


Happy birthday man I hope it's full of strobe free goodness.


...and many more!

I get about 25 automated forum emails on my day. lol

Flashlights, guns, fishing, tropical fish, vehicles, motorcycles, various vices and much reading, so little time!

LOL! And I thought it was because the super FUGLY beast (super-fug-bee) that owns that forum had a crush on you.


Thanks for the birthday wishes guys.

My mom and dad actually flew in last week and i have the same bday as my dad. Just made it a little more special this year.

erik i ordered a BC10 from MF this morning. strobeless 2 modes.

Thanks again everyone!

Oh i gave my dad a ufh4 headlight.

That BC10 looks like a great birthday present enjoy

Happy birthday

I find it amusing when I get birthday wishes when its not my real birthday. When I signed up on some forums i just picked any date and year lol.

Happy birthday and many lumens for you.

Happy Birthday... now you have to blow out your torches! on the cake

Happy Birthday!!