Mmmm Cookies

I love cookies as much as the next person but as of yet I don’t see an option to dismiss the notice. I do hope it’s coming soon. :smiley:

I had to resist the urge to block the element since I don’t want to block any potential future popups which use the same class. :face_with_monocle:

Got the same....Just did OK, too annoying to keep it on my screen.

There should be an OK button to make it not appear again. Does it not work for you Halo?

If I press no it opens a new tab of the rules page. Would only go away if I press ok.

I changed it so it goes away by clicking OK or by clicking any other link besides the No button.

Hmm, there is no OK or No button for me :ghost: but your change of dismissing the notice when any link is clicked worked fine for me. Disappeared when I clicked “quote”.

Why do we get to choose, when I press no I just get told it is part of the rules I agreed to?? and the element just stays there, so in reality no choice |(
What has it got to do with Google what links I click on, other than targeting spam at me, which ends up in my junk mail or targeting ads for adblocker to kill anyway.
And as far as “We do NOT spy on you or sell your data” want to bet :beer:

Not happy but as I must put up with it to use this forum I suppose I must choose ? OK

Cheers David

See Sb’s thread [09-AUG-2015] Added EU Cookie Policy compliance boilerplate stuff

I should have waited a bit longer before making this thread as he posted that 2 minutes later.

Pommie, you do have the option of blocking cookies in your browser. But if you really don’t want to be tracked you’ll need to block more then regular cookies since there are other tracking methods (Evercookie ) and some big sites do indeed use them.

Mmmmm Euro cookies (or is it biscuits?)

Do we get our choice of cookies?

Do we need to pay shipping or is the EU picking up the tab?

Correct, it would be far too complex to give the option of using the site without cookies, and it’s probably not even possible to offer normal expected functionality without them. So if the user refuses to accept cookies (s)he can’t use the site.

I don’t spy on your or sell your data. But I have no idea how Google’s cookies work, and that’s unfortunately out of my control.

I think the EU should pick up the tab.

These notices don’t actually accomplish anything at all. If the EU wanted to do something they should have made it illegal (with fines) to use things like Evercookies and Canvas fingerprinting on people who have chosen to block normal cookies and send the DoNotTrack header.

Never entered my mind that you did sb, it was in reference to Google’s tracking my every move on the net, between them and Microsoft if I sneeze there are several phones/tablets/laptops within hearing that will offer me deals on tissues :weary:

Cheers David

Next up the chinese sellers will be offering the latest line of tinfoil hats.

tin foil is too expensive, so they will be advertised as such, but made out of lead :smiley:

Ha! And Google’s excuse would be “No, it’s that the waveform of his sneeze looks just like the waveform of ‘OK Google.’” :bigsmile:

I know how to make cookies get deleted here. Just post a picture of a pretty woman with the cookies. :bigsmile:

Google isn’t a spy but is a great marauder… :wink:

And… For health reasons I can not eat cookies, which are prohibited for me. I am celiac. Sorry.

Gluten free cookies are available, many are low on taste, but i have heard some are pretty good

If you like chocolate, I have a recipe for the best chocolate cookies I know of. And they can be made gluten free and the difference is almost indiscernible! That’s because they are low on flour to begin with. Speaking of which, a great classic peanut butter cookie recipe doesn’t use any flour at all, so gluten free is almost a given there as well, and very tasty!

Your kid can’t take that cookie to school because it is contraband. Most schools have that rule because there are a few mutant kids (that didn’t die from crib death/SIDS) that could die if they eat that cookie. So instead of teaching little mutant Johnny that it is wrong to take and eat other kids lunches, the schools think it’s better to punish the rest of the kids and make them eat soybean butter and jelly sandwiches. :expressionless: