Wow - look'y here what I saw ...

Was watching youtube , and noticed something , anyone else see it ???

Yup... those have been bugging me a while now...

(google = skynet ;) )

The DX ad in the upper right by chance?

I've seen focalprice in my local forum before. They signed up for general ad package in google and seems like youtube is in one of the sites.

Looks like were not spending enough money at DX ...

...because they don't want to ship!!! F**k 'em.

Yep, I've been seeing "back to school" ads for DX on the site Although the students probably will have graduated from high school and college by the time DX manages to ship the product... :~

Its been over a year since Ive bought anything from DX. I agree... F'em!

hahahaha funny.. i didn't even notice the ad of the flashlight to the right side..anyways i love me some 2JZ but street racing is kind of old now.. too much money invested into it.

Got to love the system that watches where you visit and then targets ads at you........Kiss

If you use the search button on BLF connected to google it knows you like DX.. you must , you keep going there to look ,Google doesn't know if you're a buyer or not ..they know you're interested .

If DX is advertising maybe that means they are gonna get their act together ..Wouldn't that be thrilling .?

Google literally knows most commercial pages you visit on the net because their scripts load with anything which features their ads (and then some).

Google also knows where anyone with android is, so when we move houses it can tell us about local things

Google v the world.

Joke, I like makes my life easy.

Google is going to take over.....move over, Microsoft.