Klarus Mi7 pocket clip?

Has anyone found one that fits it?

Mine turned up yesterday, I knew in advance it didn’t have a clip, but there is a recess near the tail that clearly looks like it is for a clip. I hoped something in my collection would have a clip that fitted it, but it’s a lot thinner than my Olight S15 and pretty much anything else I’ve got.

Anyone know of a clip that will fit these? No idea why Klarus decided to not include one… :person_facepalming:

Anyone found a clip online? I need to buy one

Unfortunately, only the new Mi7s have clips. I’m not aware of anyone who sells it by itself right now. There is a clip for it though.

Buy a new one, and use the clip on your old one? :wink:

clever :beer:

one of these may fit

Yes, the 3.9mm X 39mm should fit.

I’m using a suspension clip with my first gen red Mi-7. I like it better than the clip that came on my olive green & Ti ones.

Someone have checked the clip of banggood for this?

I read here somewhere that one of those should work can’t find the most straight away….

I got a PM yesterday form tatasal, Gearbest sells the clip now:


Great!! I will order now 2.

BTW, I’ve ordered the universal one because I’m not a big fan of the original one. I’ll report back when it arrives, but I’m fully expecting it to be too big to properly fit the Mi7. I’m thinking about trying this one, supposedly a little bit smaller diameter and might fit.

I posted this in the other thread, might as well put it here to. Mi7 with TEC P-7 suspension clip (you can find clones much cheaper).

Great news, this clip from BG (3.9x39mm, mentioned above) came in today and fits wonderfully! To me, it’s so much better than the original.