Singfire SF-348 XP-G3 upgrade (spoiler: it does 75 lumens)

I just got a few XP-G3 S4 2B emitters in the mail, and the first home for them was a slim Singfire sf-348 aaa light.

I don’t have those fancy nichia BLF versions of this light, just stock XPE ones. Not a tint snob, I just want moaar light!
That being said, I did opt for 2-tint instead of 1 for the new emitters, because it’s just a little bit nicer. So there might
be a little tint snob in me after all…

XP-G3 on the left, XP-E on the right. I did drill the reflector hole a little bit bigger for the XPG3, but I’m not entirely sure it was even needed.

Here’s how the pills look…

Here’s the runtime graph, done with 900mah eneloop in my diy sphere. 15 more lumens and a solid 20 minutes more runtime. Pretty good!

Beam of the XPG3 is a little more yellow that I would like. The yellow ring around beam center is also visible in person. All in all I’d say it’s still better than the cold white XPE. Light intensity in the center is a bit lower in the XPG3 than XPE, but XPG3 provides much wider hotspot. I like it more indoors, but if you’re just after throw, you’ll need an XPE (or upgrade to XPE2).

10440 usage
I briefly tried the lights with 10440 batteries. I only ran them for 1 minute because they get really hot really quickly.
XPG3 started at 280 lumens and declined to 250, while the stock XPE started at 200 lumens and declined to 155.
So you get about 100 lumens more with 10440 li-ion.

Here’s some leftover images, use on your desktop for example…

Bravo! :+1:

Sweet mod and report. Thank you for sharing.
