AVE tears down a $500 mining head lamp

I thought people might find this video interesting.

I speak English, and there was a lot I didn’t understand.

He does tend to make up his own words and butcher things like brand names, but if you watch his videos you pick it up pretty quickly.

lol…. a good friend of mine works for the company that makes these in Toronto. I’ve got one, and never use it. I use my HC50 instead…

Ave makes some really interesting and educational videos. Thanks for sharing.

cost reflects all the safety testing and certifications these must go through to be used in a dangerous possibly explosive environment.

AvE is freaking awesome!

Yea i watch Ave heaps been a subscriber now for over 2 years. I think he uses Canadian slang terms i also watch 1puglife he talks the same but more red neck lol. Us Aussie have a mad vocabulary of slang terms. I guess every country has its own slang probably American slang will be the most known because it is used in movies. Try Scottish slang one of my best mates is a Scot extreme slang lol

I love AvE’s videos, he reminds me of an uncle of mine with the way he mispronounces words on porpoise. I wish I could share AvE with him, but AvE’s language is a bit course for Uncle Jim.

His vid-jeo’s are right skookum, whether he’s talking about welding, machining, mining, tools, or slinging Angry Pixies.

Pretty much unintelligible to other than a Scotsman. :smiley:

As described by Robin Williams as he explained the origin of golf (Warning Adult Language): https://youtu.be/u9oKdUFCoVo

It’s really interesting; not only does the light itself need to be certified, perhaps some of its components need certifying as well. All very time consuming that will crank up the price. You will have a piece of mind if you’re using this light for its intention.
However, this says nothing about the actual performance of the light as a light. Perhaps it’s a crappy light with low output, low CRI or poor spacing…

P.S. saw the video as well; only browsed through it quickly.

Any review for people who can read?

Canadurp. I learned something…

I watched it yesterday.

It reminded me these, we got a couple of these at work in electric rooms as emergency lamp:

They run at about 200EUR maybe.

They stood in wall charger constantly and they keep a dim light on 24/7 so that when power goes they are easy to find.
Nobody looked after them so batteries were bust in about 1-2 years I think.
Now they are abandoned on the walls since electric rooms have changed places since 10yr ago when they were installed there…

Pretty large lights for 40lm and only 8 hours of runtime but at that time they might have been OK.

I found his videos about a week ago. I have watched a lot of them and they are VERY entertaining.
And yes, if English isn’t your first language, I can see how it would be very hard to understand what the heck he is saying. Not because of his Canadian accent, but his purposeful mispronouncing words and his slang.
An example: Canada = Canuckistan


This is a link to the first of his videos that I came across, and I was hooked.

I don’t understand 3/4 of what he does but am knowledgeable enough to know that he’s very educated and even though he sounds and sometimes does things like a ’ 200lb Gorilla ’, he has a very calm, professional (and parental) nature about him as well…(That video where he called the manufacturer about the water pump.) It’s that contradiction that adds to his entertaining factor.

Are these better headlamp or lower quality than AVE’s light? Nitecore EH1 cost less than $100 a piece

Mining (and other oil & gas companies) typically use ATEX or other explosion (EX) proof flashlights and headlamps

Something like

Might be interesting to mod this fella