Insane password rules

This is a light forum, nothing critical, nothing financial yeh ?
So why have such an uberstrict policy for passwords like “1234dasdFdvdg.,.asdf,.-/::;()445” instead of using normal passwords like “bluefish123” that normal people can remember. I hate having to come here because this is the only forum on the web where I can’t use my normal password.


My password here is short and only small letters :D

Yup, mine is a fairly common word.

Could you post something similar to your password for comparision then,
because when I made an account it was mandatory that I have upper case, lower case, numeric AND punctuation !!!
Which as the first XKCD cartoon illustrates is clearly ridiculous and over the top in terms of account security for a hobby site.

Something like "homppeli"

My password is quite basic. I wonder if the criteria changed since I registered.

Mine is quite simple and I signed up very recently, like last week or so…

Hi bitsplice,

I think you must have read the password notice: "It is recommended to choose a password that contains at least six characters. It should include numbers, punctuation, and both upper and lowercase letters." However, it is not mandatory. You can use 123 if you want to.

Hope this helps!

My password is a simple word. Letters and numbers with a capital letter. No, it's not my birthday.

I use very strong passwords on every site. Use keepass to store your passwords for you on your pc and on your smartphone(FREE!).

Store some non-essential user/pass in your browser for quick auto-login.

I use very easy passwords on forums. If someone wants to hack my account here and see what that will do for them, more power to them.

damn If mr.admin can guess my password that easily …maybe I need to change it to …321…

Hey you are right, I’m sure it didn’t let me change this last week. Odd…
Heh, now I look daft so you can delete this thread if you like :slight_smile:
Password changed to 123, wait, forgot I said that… OPSEC innit

mine is simple too

Wow ! I just joined and used a simple all lower case word !

I hate sites which are not critical or financial that require Uberpasswords and even hate more when they have the little code thingie to prove you are NOT a SPAMBOT, robot, whatever and you have to type in the word as you see it BUT- they make it real blurry or melt the & sign so it could be a 3 0r 8............

Sorry you had the problem, lucky I didn't.

People so often forget their passwords..........but you can all be confident that a mysterious Croatian/Asian person masquerading as Robertkoa will NEVER be able to sneak on here and convince you that Chinese Lumens are REAL.

" But Robert , what if someone hacks into your Budget Light Forum account and discovers your deepest, darkest thoughts and feelings about lights and Torches ?"

It's a risk I'll have to accept.

I just use the same generic simple password on non critical logins, like here in BLF. (e.g. Samepass11)

For critical logins I have a few conventions so it's easy to remember but hard to brute force attack. For example the first letter is in uppercase. I also add the site's initials (e.g. Securepass2011LeelouBLF, Securepass2011LeelouCPF). There are a few more but I have to kill you if I tell you. =)

1-2-3-4-5. That’s the kind of password an idiot puts on his luggage!

Sorry, Boaz, I just couldn't resist a Spaceballs reference.

I already forgot the password but firefox remember all my internet pwds for me(except bank paypal main mail etc)

I just need to remember the main password...that is 123... joking xD