Lawyer, Liar, Pants on Fire

This is surely the ultimate Li-ion Pants on Fire incident, and will no doubt be the source of endless lawyer jokes.

Lawyer’s pants catch fire during arson trial

Jurors trying to assess the truthfulness of defense lawyer Stephen Gutierrez’s closing arguments in an arson trial Wednesday may have been dismayed to notice that his pants were literally on fire. Witnesses say the lawyer had to flee the Miami courtroom with smoke billowing from his pocket, the Miami Herald reports. When he returned, the lawyer, who’d been seen fiddling in his pocket, blamed a faulty e-cigarette battery. Gutierrez said the bizarre pocket blaze wasn’t an attempt to demonstrate the innocence of his client, who was accused of setting his own car on fire. Gutierrez argued that the vehicle spontaneously combusted. […]

[For non-native English speakers unfamiliar with the phrase “liar, liar, pants on fire” see here for background]

hahahaha like an Aprils fool story

Hope the e-cigs get the blame, not the battery, or maybe it was a PantsonFire battery… :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, you can’t make it up.

Guess he lost that game of Pocket Pool.

Likely Uranusfire batterys :zipper_mouth_face:

I think you will find that he (the lawyer) just did. :wink:

This does not bode well for my client your honour, i move for a change of venue :laughing:

Goodness, gracious… great balls of fire…


Probably EFEST 18650 40 Amp battery :slight_smile: