List Unread Posts

Is there a way to list recent posts with just threads you haven't read yet, without threads already marked as read? I looked around the site and can't find it.

recent posts. on the left above log out

I think the answer is No. I’ve looked as well. Recent posts isn’t the same as unread posts. After you read them they are still “recent” and still show up even as there are older posts that you haven’t read.

True but it shows new posts (replies) you haven't read. Just refresh the page. If there are no new posts you have read them. Its all I use

It's how I see done on other forums I'm a member of. I guess we'll just wait for it to be implemented(this is a request to Mr. Admin).

edc it's not the same. Yes it shows new posts I haven't read but also posts that I read already. I don't want to see them listed. Technically it's called "view unread posts".