Flashlight driver wiring advice

Good afternoon!

First time posting here and I did give a look around for this but I can’t find one that related to my exact problem.
I have this little driver I bought. http://www.dx.com/p/1050ma-regulated-current-5-mode-memory-led-driver-circuit-board-for-flashlight-diy-3-4-5v-127689#.WSFmBPl96Cg
It was just a test to see if something I order from the site will actually arrive here. Now it is here and I want to use it but I have no idea what the wiring for it is.
I can just assume that the negative imput wire connects to the spot with the “-” but I cant figure out where the positive imput wire would connect to (closest I can find is maybe the small area in the middle with the 4 holes but I would like to make sure.

Many thanks in advance


Welcome to BLF.

The “-” is actually the output to the led. The Negative input is the ring around the outside diameter, usually connected to ground.

The positive is shared(to Led +), & yes, it’s the section with 4 small holes as you noted.

Thanks for the welcome.

Yeah one picture of another driver I noted had a small cone shaped spring centered on the middle section with the outter ring attached to the casing as the ground (assuming for a battery housing). Since I’m not using this in a flashlight I’ll just share the positive like you said and attach a switch inline on the negative. I’m assuming that’s how to wire it. Many thanks on the reply.

Edit: Just out of curiosity…you wouldn’t happen to know what the 4 star shaped copper spots are on the back of the board? something to do with the mode switching perhaps?

Aha, it’s a Nanjg AK47.
3rd star connected to GND (outer ring) or to the 1st star (is also GND) makes it ‘low - mid - high’ 3 modes.

Grounding a star, or combination of stars, should result in different mode-groups, if the firmware supports it.

” is led
”4 hole pad” is led+

Be careful when soldering the wires.
If you bridge led- to the ground ring it will bypass the 3 x 7135 current regulation chips and be direct drive(whatever the power supply can provide).
If you bridge led+ to the right hand pin of on of the 7135’s it will be stuck on high(1050mA). This is because that right hand pin is the control pin the mcu uses to control current so bridging there bypasses the mcu control. Since the 7135’s are all in parallel they act in unison.