
Bright! I can't say anything else when i put on this lil s***er.

Ordered it 2 months ago, never thought i would ever receive it.

It's doesn't look like the light displayed on the picture and it features a temporary on/off button by pushing and letting go and a little on/off switch.

For those of you who have the xtar keylight shown in the picture: it's about 3-4 times as bright when i compare . And i already thought the xtar keylight was quite bright for a button flashlight.

So what are you waiting for: order a free one yourself now

I bought a pack of 5 last year to clip onto the dog's collar at night .... i can track the little bugger up to no good from over 200 yds across the fields now :)

Yep, they are bright!

Thanks! In for one.

Thanks for sharing. Getting one.

Edit: couldn't do it. The site is really messing up for me.

Didn't work for me either - never got the confirmation email to access my account after signing up. Tried resend several times.

Dx have them for $2.38 for two.

I had the same problem with confirmation mail, tried my gmail and it worked. They sent some spam but that's what my gmail is for, just blocked it :).

So... for free? I just need to create an account, add it to my cart and voila? (I mean, can I order only that light or it will be free if I buy something else from them?)

It's totally free but you have to fill in some personal information (just make it up except for you adress) and checkout by paypal. So some people might not like this, but i didn't care as long as it was free :). Make sure when you checkout you use that coupon code and make sure it's not a registered shipping or you will have to pay a few bucks.

Free deal, I like that, thanks for sharing!Cool

Ordered one!


Thanks, man! I ordered mine. :)

Well, I ordered this "free" button light about 2 months ago too when that guy from Canada (who only posted about this free light) started the thread. After 2 weeks of not receiving anything, figured it was spam and figured I was duped.

Haven't received it yet, but you give me hope! lol

Well i received it as well as a friend of mine :).

me too.

Thanks for the heads up on this light. I ordered one with the coupon. Cost was $0.00, but it still asked me to checkout thru PayPal.

Ok, so I did that, but when I hit confirm order on PayPal , I keep getting an error message and no order confirmation. The BG website shows it as a pending order now, but since the $0.00 amount never went thru PayPal, I wonder if the order will ever go thru. (hate to wait 2 months or more for nothing, haha).

Did this happen to anyone else when checking out with PayPal?

Yep, had the exact same thing happen. I just went back into my account (BG) and saw that the order was pending so I figured that it must have went through.

Since there's really no payment with paypal I don't think that they send an email.

They already shipped mine out (the day after I ordered it)! Hopefully it won't be two months before I get it though...

Tried to order one, got a weird error after going through paypal and returning to their site...we'll see what happens

shows the order on their site, but i have received no email from paypal about placing the order

I got the same error and no email from Paypal, but obviously it worked because mine has shipped already!