FS, laptop-pull 18650 batteries $1 plus shipping (EBD tested)

20 18650 batteries from used laptop battery packs.
All tested, over 2300mAh using 2A discharge (use the EBD-MINI battery tester).

PM if you are interested.

What voltages did you see on these when you pulled them? You did test voltage on each cell as it came out of the pack, right? If they’re good, they’re certainly worth $1 plus shipping.

Yes. Usually 3.5-3.9 V. I used the EBD-MINI to test the capacity.

Sounds good. Do you, by chance, also test the internal resistance of the cells? This is an important measurement to some of our members here. I don’t know a lot about it myself. I just know lower internal resistance is better. :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry, I just went crazy buying some VTC6es and 30Qs…

Sounds pretty good, though.