MecArmy PT16 giveaway!

MecArmy PT16 giveaway. To save my Youtube channel I’m going to give away a PT16 to my 1000th subscriber! I’ll bundle in a Keeppower 750mah 18350 which powers the little pocket rocket to 1250 lumens. The PT16 sells for up to £70 in the UK!

FLASHAHOLICS Youtube channel


Damn, I’ve subscribed long time ago :person_facepalming:

BTW, nice reviews you make, it helped me a lot choosing / not choosing some flashlights during the way :+1:
Keep up the good work :wink:

Ha ha, just unsubscribe then subscribe at 999!!!

but there are only 574 subs… hmmm

the PT16 w an 18350 is a great EDC

It’s bloody bright! It never worked with the 16340 it came with and it’s been sat on my shelf for 18 months doing nothing until this week I tried a Keeppower 18350 in it and wow…
It has good heat sinking too which probably makes it as good as an Emisar D4 at the 1200 lumen level.