Wow , is GTL the best BS artist ?

Amazing = 5300mAh capacity [ ok Im being sarcastic ]

Is there a larger BS claim being made ?


I do believe that that is the most highly over rated capacity that I have seen to date.

Depends on what the cells should be rated for, I guess?

These are ~400 mAh cells...

Unless that's really a 1100 mAh cell you've got there, I think I win (or, rather, lose) %-wise

So you only need 5 to make claimed capacity ...

I might buy the GTL 5300 , just to see how large a pile of Do Do it really is ... Its just outright fraud to claim 5300mAh ... actually its insane ... nuts even !

hmmm , just might

I asked the seller if I could buy just the one battery ...

I dont want two dumpster cells

Still GTL cells though, so irrespective of whether you consider capacity in relation cell size, max value of capacity, percentile difference of real capacity compared to claimed, etc. you're still left with GTL being the biggest BS'er! ;)

Wow 5400mah cells! Major BS.

I seem to remember reading somewhere, someone opened up a GTL battery and they found it to used batteries recycled from power tool packs.

I suspect that GTL stands for you've Got To Laugh.

I think they are may be 53mAh or 530mAh, no more :D

Why not have them shipped straight to the dumpster ??

Maybe we're just missing something .... could it be an 18650.5 ...and have a 300 mah . capacity ..?

Where is the fun in that ? + If there is no info on the battery out there from an actual test ...

Even rubbish needs sorting out , before being discarded ...

I thought GTL stood for "Good Trash Liners"?

Lol too much time on your hands?

I'm with old on this one . . . the only reason I bought two of those red UltraFire "3000" mAh a while back is because they had such a lousy reputation. Also, I saw the remains of one among the shrapnel of an exploded flashlight in an old CPF disaster thread. You know, the one where the older gentleman thought he charged them evenly before powering up his high curent draw Solarforce ican? I believe a coffee maker was modified suddenly, several pictures included blood, broke tiles, ripped holes in the wall . . . yep, I remember; that's why I bought them. I just had to own something that infamous.


Good luck, Old4570... just remember to charge them someplace relatively immune to fire, explosion and shrapnel. The bottom of a backyard pool that's been drained for the winter comes to mind.

A deep pool.

The seller still hasn't responded to my mail , so ?

Might have to start bugging him ...

Great Total Loss

An amazing accomplishment- even though it's fake.

We should have BLF fake Academy Award Statue/ Nobel Prize ( perhaps misspelled "Noble" Prize)/ Tec Award- with a really cheapo statue or certificate that we send to the most ridiculous claims.....

Luckily they don't claim 2950mah or 3100mah or we would all be wondering if it was a rebranded Panasonic, saves us the trouble of even thinking about it.

Ok so I know NOTHING about batteries, and I naively bought 10 of these. I was just opening up the pack when I found this thread. I need to run a really low current device (a GPS data logger) for as long as possible (like, months deployed around the neck of a wild animal). Should I bin these and buy something else? What is the best? GAH!

Bin those crap cells, unless you want a headless…

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