Where have you found your closeout, special purchase, collectors, unique or just plain budget quality lights ?

With the open-architecture/liberal flashlight forum (BLF) proudly becoming a free Skunk Works for overseas private enterprise, our Think Tank has enticed/corrupted innocent neophytes from other forums and social sites, hungry to discover what they missed during the past several years. Innovation and mass produced custom models have often eschewed reflectors, and sometimes practicalities/usefulness.

Flashlights are usually more reliable now, goverment/military purchasers control less of the game currently becoming cents per lumen, instead of lumen sense.
It’s all good, but some of the Newer (often impatient) Arrivals, together with the Old Guard wonder where to find bargains and variety, especially from domestic sources (CONUS).

FWIW, here is short list of sources offering quality lights I have purchased on sales, closeouts, collectors bargains, unique, special purchases and daily deals. It includes a numeric total from these favorite vendors I would recommend, have bought more than one light from, and who normally respond to my e-mails.
*Amazon, e-shops and affiliates excluded.

Illumination Supply 44
Mountain Electronics 7
Going Gear 2
Andrew & Amanda 2

*YMMV: Additions and opinions are welcomed.