FF EO7 best high drain battery for max output XP-L HI

What is the best battery for the eo7 xp-l hi emitter to get max output? Thanks

For maximum output, get a Molicel P42A:

For absolute maximum output, get a Samsung 30T.

If the 30t is 35A discharge and the P42 is 45A then do you mean the P42 is the absolute max or am I missing something

Are the Molicel P26A 18650s at 35a Max continuous safe for any lights such as D4, FW3A etc?

The Samsung 30T has lower internal resistance vs the P42A. The P42A is overrated without cooling, and the 30T is actually underrated.
Basically, for absolute maximum output, a Samsung 30T is best, but the P42A isn’t far behind at all.

With the P26A, it’s safe to use in something even like with a D4(XP-L HI and SST-20), but not the same thing with the FW3A.

For an FW3A, something like an NCR18650GA/MJ1/NCR18650BG would be your best bet.

Thanks for the info ,buying the batts now, any idea on a 21700 with good balance between high drain and capacity for the eo7. I got 2 30T for bightness I just want one for long run times , preferably one from This page

I would recommend the Samsung 40T since it’s cheaper and is very close in performance.

In the real.world of lights, there isn’t much real difference between a 40T and a 30T.

So what’s the difference between a Molicel P42A and a Samsung 40T then?