Is there any chance of the emisar d1s coming back

It seems like the best thrower in the price range, but is it discontinued forever, or will it come back. I dont really want to buy used, so it makes it near impossible to buy one.

Noctigon k1 is the replacement.

The GT mini might be an option for you, its pretty much the same as a D1S

I want a D1S, too. Short tube compatibility would be awesome.

The Noctigon K1 was said to replace the D1S but comparing 70mm to 50mm head size it is a different category of flashlight.

Maybe Hank could be convinced to start a new batch if enough people are interested and asking for it.

I contacted Hank and asked him about the status of the D1S in December. This was his reply…

So as of right now it looks very unlikely we will see it return.