Driver for 2-led flashlight

Hey BLF,
need a little help.
I need to fix one special flashlight that Ive presented to a friend of mine many years ago (yes I provide lifetime repairments in such situations). The flashlight has additional side led. Stock driver is burned and I was not lucky to repair it. So I’m searching for another 2-led driver:
up to 20mm dia
simple linear (res fet) driver, 1 cell input, 3v led output, spare modes for 1 leds
output current is not critical
should be managed with tail switch
new, used. custom, taken out from unknown chinese brand - doesn’t matter
mode spacing and UI - doesn’t matter

What about moding Njang driver: one of the stars connected to the 1x7135, firmware with 2 channels support.

CWF Dragon

Maybe triple driver without one channel connected? Or with two channels bridged?

Not ready to flash driver myself.
Not ready to pay $18+overseas shipping.
Any forum thread about 3-channel KD drivers?

I have one but never checked it. What would you do with the third channel?

Probably will solder 1st and 3rd channels together and get off-led1-led2-led1 sequence (if it is possible, need to check actual modes).