[2020-07-06] [RESOLVED] BLF downtime

Hi everyone,

My apologies for the downtime during the past three hours. Our host suffered a power surge at the data center that damaged a lot of equipment. They reacted very quickly and it looks like we’re back online now.

Thanks for your patience! Have fun.


I just woke and l noticed nothing unusual.

Well that’s a relief!

Thanks for the status update, I was getting desperate and almost signed up on CPF. puuh. just in time.

Crisis averted!

Thanks sb! I checked the blog and noticed there was the announcement! For a while I thought it was some issue on my computer/net!

Thanks for fixing things :+1:

:+1: I didn’t really have to fix anything, just had to wait on the hardworking folks at the datacenter to replace some components that were affecting all their users.

:+1: :beer:

We actually dodged a bullet, three other servers at our provider are still down, sounds like they suffered major damage, possibly even data loss.

Thank you!

I saw the blog entries earlier and thought we’d be without BLF for days. :slight_smile:

Glad it got resolved rather quickly.

Data-loss is a serious downer…

I'm glad BLF got off lucky then.

Seems like tvtropes.org was in one of those. The site started messing up about the time BLF went on downtime, and now it’s totally offline.

I thought datacenters had some really nice data backup measures. That power surge should have been a blast.