My custom flashlight holders for taking BeamShots.

I shake really bad so I needed to figure out how to hold a flashlight or two and a camera at the same time. What do yo think?

Yeah, that works.

When you take your beamshots, if you want to be consistent, set your White balance to Manual, especially if you can choose a setting like "5400". With those big throwers of yours, use a 1/4 or 1/3 second Shutter setting if you can set Aperture to 2.8 or so. If your Aperture doesn't open up that much, you may have to go to 1/2 second Shutter speed. Then make sure your focus is on manual, focus once, you are good to go. Nice consistent beamshot photos.

If you put any of those setting on Auto, your photos won't really be a good representation of what the differences between the shots is.

Neat idea.

I've just ordered another tripod to hold lights. I got a cheapo microphone holder with a tripod socket on it from DX. It'll hold lights up to about 35mm in diameter - it sorta, kinda works with Maglites as long as they don't weigh too much. But every maglite past a 2D does weigh too much.

Your idea looks better. Once he tripod arrives I'll get a few plates like that made up.

Looks great! Looks like you could do beam shots for about the next year or so, with that collection.


Looking good Rick.

Thanks trooplewis for the tips I need all I can get. I just bought the camera on Sunday. It's a Fuji FinePix S2940WM it has more functions than I'm use to. ILIKEFLASHLIGHTS has a camera like this and he has been Great on helping me with it.

Holy batman!

Now that's a collection!