Luminus SST-40, 10000K!!

I saw Kaidomain's got a 10000 K led? Never knew one could get a 10000 K led. Looks kinda interesting. How does the light output look like? Crazy bluey? Super white?

Luminus SST-40, 10000K

These are going to be “Glare Masters” like the kid next door puts on his car.

That is definitely going to be crazy blue.
Much rather have 4K 95+CRI of the SST40, but that doesn’t exist :wink:

“Aquarium lights”.

Yeah, Evil Blue™.

Might be good for bug zappers

That’s actually pretty much what they look like, yeah.

People use ’em for coral farms and the like.

10,000k CCT would be good if you don’t want to go to to sleep!

According to one report Luminus is working on CRI95 SST-40. I’d love to see it as well.

I just hope, that Luminus not only introduces high CRI SST-40, but also, for both SST-20 and SST-40, adds at least three or four new CCT option (4500K, 5000K, 5700K and 6500K).

Anyway, too bad, that these 10000K emitters are just “standard” 65-70 CRI ones. These are just EvilBlue (as Lightbringer said). 95+ CRI cold white emitters however could be a good thing, just think about the sky during twilight. (I got one E21A 6500K from the early production batch, and that is tested at slightly above 7000K by maukka - it is surely a ‘wow’ thing, imagine something similar from Luminus at 8000K and 10000K, that would be some of the most funny emitters.)

I actually ordered one of these a couple weeks ago. I usually avoid cool tints but I was too curious what 10000K would look like. I’ll report my observations when it arrives.

I guess 10000K will be 95% blue rather than 70% from low cri 6500K to throw some random numbers. If you are going to take precautions for 10000K you may as well take precautions for all low cri cold white light.

A 95 CRI LED with a FET Driver… Yummers!
That’s the only thing I miss while using a single SST20 at the moment! lol

I once had a “white” night light that if my RAW converter was to be trusted, was beyond 15000K. That was cool even by the standards of the day, but still a bit shy of purely blue.

It went under the soldering iron and got a Yuji. Here’s a before and after comparison with the same white balance settings in both pictures.

I think I might have labeled that LED and thrown it in a bag of random parts in case I wanted to experience the novelty again.

I once bought a XM-L2 U4 0D from KD which is rated at 10000K blue. It ain’t SST-40 so I don’t know how well it translates but the bluish tint is way whiter than any of my chinese Latticebright. They look white if your eyes are adjusted. No hint of blue if you are not influenced by other lights. But once you are surrounded in normal lighting you can definitely recognize how cool the blue LED is

I agree, I’m using a Jetusolis 6500K about every day at work. Not the most pleasing to my eyes but very useful.

Gee I hope this is true!

Color temperature: Light IQ: Color Temperature and CRI – ilumi