Lets try a rorschac test - what do you see?

Some will indeed see flashlights....

I see a plane landing and two people touching noses. Does this mean I'm crazy?

Keith- who thinks he might be






Seriously, though, what do you see in Budgeteer's photo?

(No mouse over joke in this one...)

Airplane, lungs and an upside down dwarf wearing a rectangular ornament on his chest.

Naked woman with spread legs in a club chair...

Like most male viewers I presume

If I say that I dont see anything (just ink spots) means that I am crazy???

I see my ex girlfriend

I see your ex-girlfriend too. Great minds…

Same here. I tried so hard and if I force myself the best I can come up with is a long out of shape face in the middle or a bad photo of an animal skull on an archaeological dig. But really I don't see anything. So what does that make us?

Don’t try to see anything. You are not looking for something, you are just supposed to look at it and let your mind form an image. Like looking at clouds.
I saw a naked woman with a penis in front of her vjay.

Just some background info from our good old friend Wikipedia

Wiki isn't practically helpful for me. Googling I found this.

While this one states not being able to see anything on a card suggest neurosis.

I see a lobster on a seabed strewn with small rocks.

...and a naked woman in a club chair...

I see a pennis with a cowboy hat.

I see a flashlight, a flashlight and a Surefire flashlight... why do you guys post so many pics of random flashlights and where are the according reviews. Rorschach... is that a new flashlight brand?

That's a picture of Mother! Eating a bag of live squirrels Ah, Mother.. I haven't seen her since that day I was a VERY good boy and sharpened her favourite breadknife for her. I just wanted to show it to her, you know, so she'd see what a clever boy I'd been, and how much I loved her. But she started screaming, you see. Screaming and screaming, that I was mad, and that she should have kept me in the cellar with the rats, with their scaly tales and twitching noses and sharp, sharp teeth.. She tried to run - my own mother, trying to run from me! And she kept screaming...Then she suddenly stopped and wouldn't talk to me at all. I do miss her..

The rest of you are obviously disturbed.

i see a road pizza. seasoned with pikachus.

or vice versa.


Black splotches on a white background.

Reminds me of a test I took once, I failed the test, but managed to escape...


Since Psychology is the subject;

How many Sigmund Freud's does it take to change a light bulb?

Penis, I mean father. no, wait One. One.

(Fans of Jasper Fforde will have heard this one before)