Wonder what Y'all think of this C6 DIY Host as a EDC.

Wonder what Y'all think of this C6 DIY Host as EDC.

Seen alot of favorable comments about it though most are about laser builds. Its head is 26mm wide just 3mm over a UF-2100. Was thinking since the pill is screws in to the head instead of the body, same as the C8s pill does, it would have better heat management than the UF-2100 and its bigger reflector slight better throw. Though 26mm would be the biggest id want to carry in my pants pocket for sure.

Doesnt look to be much smaller than a standard p60 host. I'd rather have one of the s-mini clone bodies from CNQ.


right on

that one looks really nice.

If so, please share any info you can! Looks great, how good are the parts?
