What is "desing"

I keep seeing this word “desing” all over light forums. What does it mean? Is it just people who cant spell “design” or does it have a meaning I am not aware of? I can’t believe so many people are simply misspelling a word so often.

I'd go with the first one.

BLF google searching the word, it appears to be design misspelled.

Try doing a Google search on Dyslexia. It is very common and so many people have it. Most of the time they do not even see it. In other words they see it as design, even though it is written down as desing. There are a bunch of words like that and also number sequences, where the dyslexic person reads them and writes them incorrectly, but they see it as correct. They are spelling/writing and seeing it correctly in their minds, but it is misspelled.

I never had dyslexia till I had a stroke, but there are so many that have had it all their lives. There is no cure for it, that I know of. If a person knows they have it, then they can try to use spell check, but most do not know and are never diagnosed with it.

This forum does not offer a spell checker. It should (if possible) offer it. I would believe there is something that can be added on to have a spell check button right in the post menu, but I may be off base here. I see it in other forums, but their software may be different.

You should be able to tell by the context whether it is design misspelled or not. I will throw in with the call for a spellchecker.

FWIW I am terrible with spelling. Google chrome has a spell-checker built in where it underlines miss-spelled words. It catches almost everything.

So does firefox?

I'm the Only person left in the world that likes microsoft, still uses XP and won't use third party browsers.Wink

Which is a really bad idea all around pretty much.

Nothing wrong with that. When XP is set up optimally it can be very efficient and reliable. Its the OEM packaged Windows bundles the PC makers pre-install that suck (IMHO). I have an XP machine set up for bare bones, no frills www browsing and it runs as reliably as my macbook Pro. I run a PC with Chrome + Avast and Zone-alarm and it has been a very reliable + safe setup. My wife runs firefox on this PC, she likes FF for some reason... shrug. I run malware bytes and hijack this every other week to scan for anything, but I dont usually find anything. I don't run MS-IE on this PC though as I have had too many malware, spyware and virus attacks with various versions of MS-IE. I only use IE to download Chrome and firefox for the first time after a re-image.

I'm one of the few users who likes BOTH windows and MAC OS. What I still LOVE about the PC is cheap (!!) peripherals. SO when I can set up windows the way I like its been very reliable. Conversely my PC at work SUX... theres so f-ing many security patches and supplemental IT programs running in the background on this machine it completely bogs it down on the company intranet. A task manager glance at any given moment will list at least ~30 programs running in the background at any given time.

It's estimated that 10% of the male population and 1% of the female population is affected by at least one of the learning disabilities that fall under the umbrella of "dyslexia."

I attended a school for dyslexics that gave me new tools with which to learn, and it was life-changing.

I have one desktop running Win7 and two laptops with XP Pro. My main machine is my MBP, for everyday use and more OSX has been my EDU?. Anyhow the XP machines are set up for various music programs that I use and find the new versions for Win7 are just not for me. In the end the music ends up on my MBP ready to access and cataloged. Tweak XP right it will do you right for a good while. The Win7 desktop is a strict power rig for online gaming.

Back to the subject, I have a feeling that since most people have become used to reading off of screens now the brain may not see the errors in spelling or grammar they would find in printed material. Screen reading adds another effect to reading: back lighting. Somehow these errors in spelling, grammar are auto corrected in our brains unless you are a teacher reading a students paper. I see some of the trial exams students are given online, The errors in the questions are all over the place, yet somehow the student understood the question.

I don't know that there is anything in this, but in my life I have found that I miss errors more on a screen than on paper.

I've never "added" spell checker, but one is active. I that because there is one embedded in my browser? (Safari)

As for OS's i use xp pro dulled down and i run it in the old window,s 95/98 style i find it reliable and faster then the vista and window,s 7 premium OS,s Ive used and converted to xp, i will use xp till the death but then they would of sorted out the newer windows.

Our iphones use safari thats OK and has an auto speller i often use it on the forum but it will often make up its own words and change words or group,s of words to what ever it thinks is best and some times its funny but most of the times its a pain it the butt and even more so if you have a young kid use your phone.

I defiantly know how simple words can be spelled incorrectly... Embarassed

Some misspellings dont bother me much, what I dont like is crap grammar..

Some of the people that misspell "design" do not have English as their first language. But their English is practically infinitely better than my foreign language expertise, so I say we should give the imperfect spellers a break. :)

Here's what I'm good at, posting jokes:

Wasn’t making fun of anyone. I honestly thought it was a word used by flashaholics that I was not aware of. I am a bad speller so i wouldn’t tease about it if I had known. I see it so often and nobody ever made a comment that I thought it was a special term that I had not learned yet. I am not a flashlight expert anymore than a spelling or grammar expert.

Whether you suffer Dyslexia or not is all down to the Grace of Dog.

Over time you learn to overlook minor errors like that. I'm already being called smart-alecky all day long, tho I only correct awful mistakes.. :P

LOL! Desing is kinda like "deplane", only it"s about singing and not a plane. Yeah, I got attacked about my "punctuation" at the other place. But hey, I puts-um where I feels-um. I took my 7th grade education and went and made 100 grand a year as a auto body/paint whilst watching more than a few de-greed folk get referred to as "over qualified"! BTW, rembember what dear ole dad (mine anyway)said...."git ye a trade son"!

Keith (who is married to a-an english major)