1000 Facebook Likes and Giveaway?

Sorry, maybe I’ll include a package of Depends :bigsmile:

I hate to say it but I doubt you are going to get 1000 likes. Recently madecov did a similar giveaway and it took a while to get to a 100. And that was with BLF and CPF.

We may not get there but we sure as hell can try! I was thinking the same thing and thinking about taking it down to 500 Likes and if it gets there, 1000 as well



already liked!

also liked, nice lights!
edit: oh, and drool on the k40! S)

Liked, but maybe academic - international shipping rates from US quite expensive (though I appreciate there’s nothing you can do about that).


I've always liked your site, Jake, now you got my Like.

I’m goin give away a Nlight ST30 @ 200 likes and @ every 100 likes until i run out :slight_smile: All the like’d folks are going to be assigned a number and I’ll go to random.org and get a random number and reach out to the winner on our wall

wow that’s great thank you :slight_smile: we are at 194 at the moment, eeeee!

if you make a post of this offer at your FB page I’ll SO share it :slight_smile:


OK I guess I will only share it with about a dozen friends then :slight_smile:

I'm late to the party, but consider yourself "liked"!


199 :slight_smile:

LOL, that’s 200 if they’ll count my post here, since I have no FB.

LOL I don’t think it counts :wink:

Liked! Nr. 200 =)

Awesome idea! +1

Thx :slight_smile:

now for 300 :smiley: