14mm copper MCPCB?

Hum, nice to know that :wink: The Tool AA plate (aluminium), I don’t know if it is DTP, but it is certainly thicker than the one I have bought from Simon! I just didn’t want to damage the plate or the LEDs while reflowing it , as I’m a bit messy on that :person_facepalming:

My doubts here are only because I will use a driver that is unknown to me and probably the Efest IMR 14500, so I don’t know how much it will push the LED.
If using the XPL-HI on that thinner aluminium plate (non DTP) + Arctic Silver thermal paste is enough, I will stop worrying about this issue :wink:

I could also reflow the entire plate on the pill, but also didn’t want to go that way, as I can always want to change the emitter… :nerd_face:

Thanks in advance for the answers :wink: