[25-JUN-2015] Any volunteers to help take a few flashlight pics for the frontpage?

JMO but the SkyRay king is nothing but a pale shadow of its former glory as a must have light due to the generic leds, poor manufacturing and the general crapiness of the light itself. The SK68 I have bought dozens of and they also have fallen to the same poor quality, at least the ones I have bought have been well below standard compared to what they were originally.

Europe has become dark now, no blf x6 picture from me until tomorrow, I depend on natural light.

Anyone in the US? I know of a guy that owns dozens of X6's, not all of them in mint condition, so goes the story. Rumour goes that he makes decent pictures too...

I’m no photographer and they’re just against a white sheet but maybe you can use one.

Can I vote for a Convoy S2 or C8 in there?

Feel free to use these anywhere on the site too…

PM me for full size.

Is this what you had in mind?

Natural light? Pffft. What kind of forum do you think this is? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

+1. I like it TK.

Nice shot, TK!

My personal favorite. I might be a little biased tho…

Still love the lines on this light.

Your like the jack of all trades, how do you remove the background anyways?

You mean a Jill of all trades? :slight_smile:

As for the pictures and editing, I used an ELPH plus GIMP. One is cheap, the other is free. I don’t have anything fancy like DBCstm.

Basically, add a layer mask to the pic, edit the mask so the subject is white and everything else is black, then apply it and save as .png. It’ll produce an image with translucency so it’ll look okay on almost any background.

Sweet! Many thanks to everyone who posted pics, I’ll get them up on the frontpage in the next couple of days. :beer:

Just a white background is needed?
As a photographer i could take a photo of an SRK (have several styles) SK68s (also several styles & colors) and maybe have my BLF X6 and BLF SD10 on each side of a larger centered light with or without a background. (also can photoshop photoso any way needed.

I’m not totally clear on the intended layout or how the lights need to be positioned, so I made some guesses and tried to make the photos relatively amenable to ’shopping. If any changes are needed, it sounds like several of us are willing to help. :slight_smile:

Yes i do mean Jill 0:)

Hooray! Finally got around to doing this. Many thanks to all who contributed pictures!

Jack of all trades would be me.

sb56637, sorry I missed this thread earlier I have some of those lights and a reasonable camera. The banner looks good.

I took a quick stab at putting the three images together into a logo. The placement is off and I think the pixel size is too big, but I wanted to see how it would look with drop shadows and a little rotation.

I dunno, i don’t think your Jill’s type :stuck_out_tongue: