26650 batteries small test: IMR Keepower 4200 & 4500(protected) plus Efest 4200 Green on LD-1 driver / X6M host

Its not bought m8, thats why i didnt answered, when a new emitter/or other component/or bin is out, if we( i, thats part of my job ) ask for some samples dirctly from the producer they send them, those V6 2A are from the sample program( i actualy never asked for 2A particulary :). i do this frequently with nearly every led producer or lets say Ti, Analog devices…Fairchild semi and so on

Ok i understand thanks for the explanation, that probably also explains why almost the only other reference i can find about the V6 2A is from djozz early testing when the XP-L was very new, he probably got some from samples also.

I hope they show up for sale soon, otherwise i just have to go with the V5 2A :slight_smile:


Well, if its 1A, 2a or 2C thats not that important, but i have a feeling from the testing results here, that at this moment they use the best cores for XPL chips, they are just too resilient to voltage ripple and harmonic disruptions
I dont know is it even comment in the community but i am pretty sure thats the case

I agree the XP-L’s looks to be more capable than supposedly the same or very similar flux bin XM-L2’s.

I just hope we can get some more V6 3D soon, i have said it before if i had know how much i would like it & how rare they would be i would have stocked up :frowning:

I just installed a V6 3A in my Zeusray the other day, it is close but it is to much blue to be a genuine replacement for the 3D for me.