4K Video Test Help

Still at 4K in the phone. It won't revert back to default 1080p 30 fps unless I force it to.


3840 x 2160

I think it's just a youtube thing. Many people have had the same problem where it's hit or miss if their 4K videos work. Maybe youtube's way of trying to get us to upgrade to a professional account. Still wouldn't explain why the settings box in youtube displays 4k on my tv though.

Got 4K to work this time. Nicer waterfall too, just a couple of minutes hike up from the stream.

Awesome video, thanks for sharing :+1:
What fixed the 4k issue?

Looks like the frame rate did the trick. My phone does 4K at 30 fps but when I used joining software to do a loop on the video it changed the fps to 29.8300934 and youtube seems to like that over the 30 fps for whatever reason.

Interesting, thanks for sharing.