4th annual scratch / OL build comp thread for pinkpanda

Of course I’m a nice beast, I’m pink :innocent: :exclamation:

Finally made a start :arrow_right:

Arse about seems perfectly reasonable to me. Just be careful where you point it. :person_facepalming:

Awesome progress :slight_smile: That’s gonna be a real beast. Will it be pink? :smiley:

:slight_smile: I’m excited.
I believe your leds are 1A tint.

err… no I won’t go there :confounded:

I never though about it. Though it does give me an idea for a finishing touch :wink:

I don’t know how you know that but ok 1A tint :disguised_face:

OP updated

I don’t know if it is a good idea to use duct tape for isolation. Maybe someone else can say something more about that?
That’s one big battery pack though :+1:

I haven’t seen Cutter carry any other tint in XPL HI. Could be wrong though.

For what reason?

The stuff I used is thread reinforced so it’s non-stretchy. It’s less for isolation and more about holding the pack together.

Going to be a monster flooder with mega lumens! :smiley:

I hope so :sunglasses: I don’t think I’m talented for finesse so I’ll just go for brute force :smiling_imp:


As far as I know some contain Aluminium but I guess that shouldn’t be a problem and the one you used probably doesn’t contain any aluminium anyway.

Very impressive light you built.

Built…? I guess I should hop to and finish this thing. I packed it away to make space on the table and kinda internationally forgot about it :blush: I must be running out of time eh.

Run out of time for this year or you got in for an early start on next years comp build. :slight_smile:

DOH! I really should have been paying more attention :person_facepalming:

I guess I’ll get this done as time permits.

How about now? :wink:

Did they ever find a cure for foot in mouth disease…? :person_facepalming: :stuck_out_tongue:
