a 1xAAA light i want...

Lets not chastise them and offer to shill for them in the same breathe.

god this site is going head long into the dumpster

Please don’t be offensive. I never “shill” nor made affiliations with any company before and won’t begin now or in the future.
That was really not appropriate, I suggest limiting coffee a bit and eventually browse my post history, if possible, to relax about shill stuff.

Are these more ‘throwy’ or ‘floody’? Beamshots posted anywhere for this one? And do they have a keyring hole? I couldn’t tell in the pics.

Seems aliexpress has sold out or doesn’t carry them anymore but CNQ still lists them at $19 retail. Anyone know of more or cheaper sources?

This may be my next one. I like the slender form-factor and bright lights :slight_smile: I want to get one before production changes or stops; the better brands will still be available later on. Gotta justify this somehow, is that a good enough excuse reason?


Tank 007 E09 has three perfectly spaced modes. Probably the most popular for any AAA EDC light.
My next choice would be Thrunite Ti3, ( has three modes including Firefly, (bit it has a strobe mode) Ti2 has two good modes Low & High & no strobe.


Nitecore Tube has stepless adjustment, rechargeable USB, but isn’t so bright )
I use Olight i3s (brand, quality, moonlight mode), DQG tiny AAA NW (SS design, light color, largest spot), Tank 007 E09 (size, PWM), Lumintop Worm II (design, PWM).