A thread about Mental Illness

One “potential” problem is that if one is judged to be mentally ill he may have go forfeit his firearms.

Sorry you had to go through that, all the loss… painful.

Regret is the worst nemesis of all. I’ve had that beast on my back. The “shoulda, woulda, coulda” thing. Lost potential. We can’t move forward unless we kick it off our backs, send it running. Piss on it if it tries to return. Regret caused me to become acquainted with depression. And depression is no comfort. It’s the side-kick of regret. The mind becomes unable to self-correct. And without any feedback, you end up in a hole.

I’m finding the only thing that helps get me out of the doldrums is exercise and socializing with people. But I can’t do the latter until I reach a point of feeling better about myself. Too quick to size-up and compare. So, you hear about someone’s great job, new lover, home, etc… and feel smaller because of it. It’s ridiculous in hindsight, but hard to see it that way when in the thick of it. Human psychology… it’s a bitch.

/\ …. :+1: