Acebeam K75

Any comparison pics that show the difference between ~2500 lumens and Turbo?

K75 reflector is 11 cm.

Yes, you are 100% right. I measured 2500 lm with linear output for 2 hours:

amaretto. Thanks for the very useful test and data. Acebeam actually did a good job with the thermal control. Being able to maintain a flat 2.5k lumens for 2hrs is very impressive and makes the light very practical. This mode already performs better than a TN42 stock. Seems like Acebeam did a great job with their driver design. Very high efficiency and good regulation. I’ll waiting to see what Vinh can do with this light otherwise I will buy stock.

Here’s a great beam shot video posted over on YouTube.

Compares the K75 against the W30, MF04 and the BLF GT at 500 meters.

Just realized how much shadows detail I lost with jpeg/imgur compression on these pictures compared to the raw files on lightroom. Oh well. The hotspot and corona are the most important bits anyways.

Any chance you know the distance to the sandy area past the water?

It’s 200m

Lux measured at 10 meter throw with two different meters at switch on.
The Acebeam is really a great thrower.

Wow that’s insane considering its head size is smaller than the GT and MF04. I wonder if you just got lucky and received a cream of the crop. Vinh tested a bunch of W30 and there’s a huge range in his throw measurements for those W30s.

Yes it is insane. I did test it a few times and that is what I got every time. As you said may be I did receive a cream of the crop.

Not insane if you consider that the SBT90 gen2 is essentially a CFT90. Look at the numbers Vinh gets with the CFT90 in the GT. Also keep in mind that Vinh’s throw numbers are usually high, so this should basically be a GTVn90.

For the K75 head size I believe it is very good.

Excellent comparison pics. Thanks raven.

With the 6300ish lumens then stepping down to 2500L seems so drastic just to have bragging rights, would have been good if they used 4500L as the high setting then step down to 3000-3500 if it gets too hot (they could still keep the turbo settings as well)
Seems like it’s better to use the ECO mode as you get 3000L, hopefully continuously.

I did test the 3000 lumens to not have too much heat problems with a 10 minute burst indoors without any wind.

I don’t think the light just drops to the lower mode, it has some kind of ramp down. So it could very much be like Zebralight or Anduril thermal control and settle on something closer to 3-4000 lumens, but I don’t have any equipment to test.

they should have went for an active cooling solution like the x70 imo… the drop from highest to sustainable is too high difference yes…

Matt posted up a great video comparing the K75 to a few other big throwers.