Another dedicated thrower (Reflector)

Very impressive! What battery configuration and driver did you use?

Nice Very Nice —— Perfect Beam

wow im going to save up for this one too :frowning:

What would a person living on the 20th floor think if all sudden his bedroom got lit up arround midnight? :smiley:

Is this from an old xp-g2 batch?

Many thanks!I use 2s 2p configuration (standard) and a Buck driver from MNT

Cool :sunglasses: Very nicely done :+1:

It’s about time someone had a go at modding this thing :beer:

Wow that thing is amazing. To bad we can’t get these LEDs anymore. Would be perfect for the blf gt.

Many thanks! :slight_smile:


Many thanks pinkpanda3310! :slight_smile:

Many thanks! Yes old batch :wink:

Many thanks! Yes :frowning:

awsome, way to go sir :+1: