Any one mode fans out there?

I suspect i'll always prefer multi-mode for the versatility, provided the UI is user friendly. Sooo many multi-modes seem (to me at any rate) anything but, and I wonder if this partly explains the attraction of 1 mode straight and simple. Perhaps more single mode fans might actually prefer a light that gave the option; i.e. if multi-mode flashlights could be easily and quickly user-programmed to only ever provide a single mode of the user's choice. Obviously it could be re-programmed if circumstances demanded.

Flashaholic Purist: I prefer a single mode flashlight because that's all I need.

Smarta** Noobie: Same here. My torch has six single modes... Wink

I think its all down to the type of light and its intended use. For example, I've never seen the point of modes on a pure/extreme thrower. However, a general purpose light that has a varied roll from kitchen use, to back yard use, to loft space use, to automobile fixing use will invariably need modes.

So I suspect like most around here I have a mix. Although all too often my lights have too many or too few modes on them, out of the box.

In fact several of you guys did. I just wanted to see you thoughts and was feeling fiesty.

Great answers from all of you. I did learn from them.

Thanks for the speedy responses!