Astrolux TB-01 Bullet, impression

Isn’t your Hobi a Fairy? The Hobi it’s a bit longer because of the TIR-Lens

Curious how you carry extra batteries. I’ve thought about these lights before but didn’t want to fuss with a bunch of button batteries. Thanks.

Astrolux makes a little waterprooof canister sized for one 10180 cell. That might be just about right for the little 3 cell stack.

Thanks. I’ll check into that. Would love to have one similar to my Quantum DD’s.

This is the one I was referring to.

ED01 battery container

Looks pretty nice if you’re willing to spend twice the cost of the TB01…

Correct, my mistake, my Hobi is indeed a Fairy. It has been attached to the brass zipper of my daily work bag for two years now and although I never really used it, it looks good and I like it being there as a back-up for my back-up light :smiley:

Yep. That’s it. Agree that cost is a bit step. Will look around, but thanks.