Astrolx S2 with XPL-HI

i say you got pretty lucky if thats all thats faulty. so you mean to tell me your driver has memory?

I just got my Astrolux SS version. Everything works fine. Backing up takes about 1.5-2 seconds (Still kind of long press), but maybe it will require shorter presses as the light heats up. Battery Check seems to be reading out battery voltage instead of per 12.5% per flash or 25% per flash. I get 4 quick pulses followed by slow 2 pulses off a fresh battery.

It's actually my best thrower (I don't own a C8 though). Thinking about making it into a triple, flashing the chip firmware and moving the driver and LED to a C8. Mine has a slight greenish tinge around the hotspot but it's pretty subtle (other lights it's very obvious).

I wish I had of read this a couple a days ago as I just ordered an s3 last night :person_facepalming:

oh well I suppose someone on here can help me put a new driver in it , who knows this

could be that slippery slope that turns me in to a flashaholic modder :slight_smile:


I have an S2, SC, and S3. I like the S3 best. So small and it throws well. Not much battery life. I haven’t had any trouble with any of mine. I got the S3 in December, the other two last Summer. The S2 is also great, just not as compact. The SC is a neat light, but so heavy with all of that copper and you can’t do a quarter turn of the tail to turn the tail light off. Not that practical.