Auction #16 (from MRsDNF) Ended


Congratulations djozz, you won a real MRsDNF light :partying_face:

I don’t mean this in the wrong way but I think $140 is a good sum :+1:

Thanks djozz. I’ll have to clean it up tonight and hopefully get it in the post tomorrow. Do you have any plans for it? I have just finished making the spare pill up for it. I think the Led in it at the moment is a XPG2 R5 3C with a driver Dale built me. DD on high, seven really well spaced modes with last mode memory.

I should also add a special thanks to all who bid to end up at the final price and again thanks to PP for the effort and time he has given to this project helping out Justin and Val in their time of need.

Thanks for putting up the light MRsDNF, it certainly is a beautiful thing.

Congrats djozz. I completely agree with you about the value of this one of a kind light. I saw that you wanted it so I let you off easy :wink: this time.

Congratulations djozz, when I woke up this morning, this real MRsDNF light has flown.

Thanks all for doing this, and I’m sure Justin has good use for the money at this point. PP is sent and I’m overly joyed and proud to own a real MRsDNF light.

With the extra pill it will have endless possibilities, one of the pills will probably carry a 80CRI warm XP-L Hi and a Mtn Bistro driver. Not sure about the the extra pill yet (fresh from the lathe :open_mouth: ), maybe XHP70 with 2x18350 cells, perhaps a 96CRI SSL80, or it will wait for that new super led that is yet to be invented, I’m sure to keep this light up-to-date! :slight_smile:

Thanks other bidders for helping to raise the number, and thanks Swib for letting me win this light :wink:

Today I received my first ever custom made copper pill ;-) :

And it came with this beautiful custom made P60-size light entirely made by MRsDNF, I love the design. And I can confirm that it not just looks beautiful, it is really really well made. Just one example: I never knew before that threads made in aluminium could feel like this: they glide super smooth, almost fluid.

Did I mention the world-famous MRsDNF knurling? :

It came packed in a small lunchbox that my girl-friend was immediately attracted to, in fact it is confiscated atm:

In the box was the light, packed in this jolly beercan-cooler from down under :party: . Shame on me I currently have no beercan to test it with, so a beercan-light will have to be the stand-in:

I will be enormously enjoying this flashlight. I'm still contemplating if I keep this beauty on the shelf (probably for at least a while) or if it is going to put to work: it is a really useful flashlight that has a great size, great reflector, great beam and it can handle lots of abuse. (which P60 drop-in came the reflector from Steve?, the beam is just great!).

Thanks again Steve for so generously offering this flashlight for the OL-auctions (and the hours that it took making it).

Congratulations djozz, that is a wonderful light with super knurling and you gave a good price for a great cause!

Thank you MRsDNF and Pinkpanda for sorting out this auction, top blokes!


If I were to put this light on the shelf, I would be constantly taking it off to play with it :innocent: Congratulations djozz and thanks lampyris :beer:

I’m glad you received it safely and for embarrassing me. I hope the stubby holder gets put to good use. I wouldn’t want my lunch in that container unless I was a very small eater of which I’m not. :slight_smile:
Thanks again for helping the cause djozz and glad you like it.
I’m guessing the reflector came from Fasttech. If I can find it I’ll send you a link. :beer:

Completely missed this, good thing for djozz, another awesome build from MRsDNF and thanks for doing this. Enjoy djozz, great home for the light.

Threads feel like there is some kind of air suction pulling the pieces together as the two surfaces meet.

Thanks southland, I’m extremely proud of this light, it looks great, is very well build, is working very well, but most important it is a one of a kind custom build by perhaps the most friendly flashlight builder in the universe, all structural parts were designed and made for this light only, and many hours of labor went into it. It is the only custom light I own, and a very nice one indeed! :slight_smile: