Autopsy Forthcoming-FRIED LED'S

I don’t even run my L6 1 minute at max, much less 10. This is pulling 17 amps.

Do you know how many amps your pulls on max? I don’t know if Vinh is using a fet driver or not, but with protected cells it’s got to be at least 10 to 12 amps.

Sorry I can’t help about what went wrong.

In the future you might try a different mode like 70% if that is available. I try not to push things too hard.

Your right!! I am a MAXAHOLIC!

The programmable modes do include a 70% mode.

I was on the trail and it was 64 degrees out. I used it 10 minutes let it rest 10 minutes while using another light and repeated the process. VINH always says to dial down when it is uncomfortable or too hot to hold. I treated it no different that any other light in that regard.

I am not sure what the amps are.