Bike mount for small flashlight?

You’re a hardcore rider maybe….I use it on my slow gentle 16 inch folding bicycle. Maybe what siata94 recommended better for u :+1:

this is not mine, but i made exactly like this one, after seeing this picture, for both of my bikes, i used wing nuts thou, so i do not need tools to adjust, and remove it.

Well, there’s another good reason to:

I went for a ride last night, and it was quite foggy in some areas. I had a regular light on my handlebars, as well as a headlamp on the top of my head. The headlamp made it impossible to see anything when I went through fog. All the light just scattered back right into my eyes. The regular handlebar light was much easier to see with. I couldn’t see far though the fog, but it didn’t blind me with scattered light in my eyes.

Oh and I carry a Convoy C8 as well, to spot stuff in the distance. Obviously useless in fog, except it does make for a nice light-saber effect!

This one looks great…

i have one of those. frankly it’s fugly & really bulky trust me (oops hope that doesn’t consider swearing :stuck_out_tongue: )

I have one also. Of the 3 I’ve tried it’s the most versatile and solid. It’s not hard to use but the versatility makes it more fiddly to set up. The light clamp allows a lot of flexibility in light size.